What is the treatment for testosterone deficiency What are the signs? What happens when testosterone levels are too low? How can you increase testosterone in men?

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Testosterone Deficiency at a Glance

Testosterone, a sexhormone, stimulates male sexual characteristics and the production sperm in men. The hormone also plays a significant role in sexual desire, libido, potency and vitality. It stimulates muscle growth and bone growth. The hormone also helps to carry oxygen into the blood. A deficiency of testosterone in men can have a negative impact on health and quality life.

Definition: Male hypogonadism is also known as testosterone deficiency. Hypogonadism in males is when there are symptoms that indicate a testosterone deficiency and blood tests confirm low testosterone levels.

Symptoms: The symptoms of testosterone deficiency include a decrease in vitality, libido and fertility. It is possible for male sexual characteristics to decline. A testosterone deficiency can cause men to lose muscle mass, bone density, red blood cell concentration, and muscle mass. If testosterone deficiency is present in childhood, puberty may be delayed or not occur at all.

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Causes: A testosterone deficiency could be caused by a congenital disorder of the testes (primary Hypogonadism), or a malfunction in the regulation and production of hormones (secondary Hypogonadism). This is due to the brain or pituitary. The majority of hormone deficiencies are caused by obesity, diabetes, cirrhosis, or other chronic diseases. Functional hypogonadism is a term doctors use to describe it.

Treatment: Testosterone replacement therapy (substitution therapy) is used to treat a laboratory-confirmed deficiency. treatment with testosterone medication. Weight loss is often a significant factor in functional hypogonadism.

Prognosis: Treatment with testosterone replacement therapy can relieve sexual problems, as well as the psychological and physical symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency. Despite fears that hormone therapy could increase the risk for prostate cancer and heart attacks, this has not been proven.


Up to 5.7 percent in 40- to 79 year-old men suffer from testosterone deficiencies. It is usually secondary or primary hypogonadism that is triggered by brain or testicular dysfunction. Functional hypogonadism is the most common. It can be caused by obesity (obesity), or chronic underlying conditions.

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What are the Signs of Testosterone Deficiency?

Testosterone deficiency can cause physical, emotional, and sexual symptoms:

  • Sexual symptoms
  • Reduced libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • There are fewer nocturnal and early morning erections
  • Low fertility
  • Psychological symptoms
  • Depression
  • Listlessness and fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Reduced mental performance
  • Physical symptoms
  • Regression of primary and second male sexual characteristics: Reduced size of testicles, body hair reduction, breast enlargement (gynecomastia).
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Increased tendency to abdominal fat and weight gain
  • Hot flashes

What are the Effects on Testosterone Deficiency in Men?

A lack of testosterone can cause visible and obvious symptoms as well as other problems that cannot be diagnosed by clinical testing.

These are:

  • Anemia is a lack of red blood cells.
  • Reduced bone density (osteoporosis).
  • Insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes


In blood, only a very small amount of testosterone exists in its free form. Rest of the testosterone is bound to a transport protein called the sexhormone-binding globulin. The total testosterone level is a combination of both bound and free testosterone. It is necessary to first measure the total testosterone in order to diagnose a testosterone deficit. Because this is when testosterone levels are at their highest, measurements should be taken between 7 and 11 AM. Further measurements may be able to reveal the source of the testosterone shortage if total testosterone is low. The blood level of the luteinizing hormone, or LH, is an important indicator. It is higher in primary hypogonadism than in secondary hypogonadism. It is normal in functional hypogonadism.

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